We raise many animals that our family uses for food, entertainment and enjoyment everyday. Occasionally we have some to share :)
Text Samantha @ 352-234-5134 for details
Johnny is a purebred Holland Lop bunny that can be pedigreed, if desired. Born 9/26/2024. Weaned and ready for his new home! $150 with pedigree.
Being sold as pets only. Petunia is 4 years old and measures around only 16" tall! She must go with her daughter pictured on the left in the next picture.
Extremely friendly, let these beautiful birds amaze you with their stunning egg colors every day. Sale for the Spring! Price goes up as the birds get older, and the season goes on.
Hens in this category will be around 6 months - 1 year old. They will be laying consistent fresh eggs. Please make sure they have shelter from the wind, rain and predators.
You can expect a beautiful green, blue or pinkish egg everyday for years to come from one of these beautiful girls!
We love talking with our customers! Please make sure that your home or yard is completely ready for the animal you are thinking of bringing home BEFORE contacting us about any available animals. I also require clients to have researched about the animal for a thoughtful amount of time before jumping into the commitment. This saves our time as well as yours. If you have questions about how to get your home ready for your new pet, just let me know.
PLEASE READ the More Info section of our website before contacting me about any available animal.
TEXT Samantha @ 352-234-5134 with any questions.
Thank you!
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